The Anechoic Experience


Lyrics are available on the individual track pages.

Maria Alejandra Velásquez-Sossa – soprano
David Sossa Fernández – guitar
Buff Allen – drums and percussion
Trevor Tunnacliffe – other sounds

Cover photo taken in Candlestick Cave, Vancouver Island by Ron Luther.

There’s two basic impulses at play in the album. Most of the pieces were composed to address a self-appointed puzzle. Sometimes the puzzle is framed initially in words, sometimes in structure or a gesture, but in any case, it is the notes and lyrics – the language – that attempt to solve each puzzle. A score is produced, then the players bring the score to life, converting the puzzles to sound at the end of the process.

To balance the first approach, the filler pieces (Everything you thought of I-VIII) come from the impulse to make a happy noise. The notes and phrases are spontaneous and off the cuff. The piece was completed in a weekend, then cut up to fill out the album.

Music composed by Trevor Tunnacliffe

Available on Bandcamp