
Utter is a nine movement instrumental piece. Each movement is tonally related to its neighbours in a cohesive structure. To reduce file sizes, the movements have been released separately. While I was writing the piece, I thought it could work…


An improvised guitar etude fleshed out with cello and a bit of synth. ~*~*~*~ Finn Manniche – ‘cello Trevor Tunnacliffe – guitar, synth

Through Strangers Eyes

The song started with the lyrics, with emphasis on storytelling. The musical structure follows that of the words. Together in our breakfast nook, We scan the Sunday news. Familiar rattles, shakes and flicks Against the radio. 
 Our weekends all…


Straw heaped in tormenting stack Sticking and prickling my back Thick coiling creeper vines wrapped Around my legs, I am trapped No escape from the track. Trudge through to rocky terrain. Back hunched from bearing the strain. Load dangles, perilous…

The Ballad of Reverend Terrapin

Here is the leader’s second in command, designated Reverend Terrapin, providing his post mortem on the cult, from the vantage of his subsequent life on the seedy lounge circuit. Words and music: Trevor Tunnacliffe & Peter Ed Aught ~*~*~*~ My…

Black star

This is The Order of Eternal Tranquility’s credo, for intimate devotion within the chapel ~*~*~*~ Singular destiny of life is death. Each earthly specimen supports this truth. Conveyance plods, inex’rable from birth, To culmination foreordained: last breath. Though obvious, most…


Order of Eternal Tranquility leader Brother Dvi tasked his second in command Reverend Terrapin to bring in converts. This is one of Terrapin’s outreach pieces. ~*~*~*~ We’re all alone (We all are one) We’re all alone (We all are one)…

Brother Dvi in the pulpit

Bother Dvi addresses his congregation with a mixture of charismatic conviction and unhinged exhortation. Having often witnessed the performances, Reverend Terrapin captures a representation of his leader’s mental state. Words and music: Trevor Tunnacliffe & Peter Ed Aught ~*~*~*~ It…


When the recruits are ready, they are taken to the water’s edge for baptism. The congregation sets up a solemn noise in anticipation of the neophytes’ immersion. Words and music: Trevor Tunnacliffe & Peter Ed Aught ~*~*~*~ Rise up, rise…

Taking the sacrament

New recruits are invited to affirm their commitment to the Order of Eternal Tranquility in a devout ceremony that includes ingesting the sacred wafer. ~*~*~*~*~ Look up into the clear, vast, moonless night And feel the yearning well up from…