Hyperion is a moon of Saturn, shaped like bashed in potato. Instead of spinning on its axis like a typical moon or planet, it tumbles rapidly and irregularly, as though careening out of balance from a violent impact. Despite its…
Hyperion is a moon of Saturn, shaped like bashed in potato. Instead of spinning on its axis like a typical moon or planet, it tumbles rapidly and irregularly, as though careening out of balance from a violent impact. Despite its…
Three of Jupiter’s moons spin in relatively simple harmonic orbits. For every circuit of Ganymede, Europa orbits twice and Io rounds the planet four times. The three parts in this mensuration canon have imitating voices at a half and quarter…
A 2 against 3 rhythmic drone, for the orbits of Pluto and Neptune.
The orbits of Pluto and Neptune are synchronized. Pluto orbits the Sun twice while Neptune orbits three times. Combining sequenced and hand-played patterns, Burble is built with 2 against 3 rhythmic patterns.
This drone evokes the eccentric asteroid that resonates with both Earth and Jupiter. Its eccentricity is becoming more pronounced over time, taking it ever further outside the asteroid belt and swinging closer to earth.
Verse: Adventure exotique, At first it was a dream: To circle ‘round the globe, Constrained by no routine. From midnight clicking heels On cobbled Paris streets To sci-fi avenues In scorching Dubai heat. Her confident ascent Spun out so easily…
Imperious, austere, It shimmers overhead, The spark-set dome, Fringed by the tossed tree tops, Cave-black, while we crunch through Late winter snow on moonless night. With motion scarce perceived, Sky wheels a westward drift. Against its pace, We’re but a…
This party, what a joke Supposed to be the big night of the year My classmates, all spiffed up Pretending to be cooler than they are There’s Rudy, what a rake Big, brand-new gob of product in his hair White…
Those fascinating neighbours down the street, Impromptu at the mailbox, did invite Her and her spouse for dinner date tonight: The first time for all four of them to meet. She has spent hours combing through her clothes and scents…
The lyrics were written during the Unaccommodated man phase of the last project. They weren’t used then, in part because it felt too similar to Vertebrae. My wool and silk disguise the she-wolf hid within. With granny cap and bustle,…